InComing Students - Integration Week Programme



Welcome to the Nursing School of Coimbra!
Let's check the Integration Week Programme:

16/09/2024 - Room 2.2 campus A | 02:30 - 06 pm
Welcome by the International Office : Professora Lurdes Lomba
Welcome by the Vice President of Nursing School of Coimbra, Professor Manuela Frederico
ESEnfC Presentation:
     ESEnfC Scientific Council: Professor Rui Gonçalves
     ESEnfC Pedagogical Council: Professor Hugo Neves
     3th year Coordinator – Professor Aliete Cunha
     Coordinator of the Clinical Practice in Hospital Care – Professor Luís António Rodrigues Paiva
     Coordinator of the Clinical Practice in Primary Health Care – Professor Irma Brito
     CQA Coordinator Professor Verónica Coutinho
     Presentation of the Students Association
     Presentation of the ESN Association – Erasmus Student Network
Delivery of the Students documentation and Students Card

"Tuna TEC"

17/09/2024 - Sala Maior campus A | 10:30 am - 01:00 pm
Presentation of the ESEnfC Project: “Before you get Burned” with Professor Irma Brito, Professor Verónica Coutinho, Professor Armando Silva, Professor Luis Paiva
Lunch integrated into the event

18/09/2024 - Auditorium campus B
A day with the Students Association of the Nursing School of Coimbra

19/09/2024 - Room 2.2 campus A | 02:00 - 04:00 pm
Portuguese National Health Service (SNS) by Professor Silvia Silva
Meeting with School Health with Nurse Andreia Cristina

20/09/2024 - Room 2.2 campus A | 10:00 - 11:00 am
Meeting with the Professors and Assistants responsible for the Clinical Practice of the InComing Students
1st Meeting with the Responsible Teacher and the InComing Students - Integration at the Clinical Practice



More info.:

If you have any doubt please contact:

Event with photography and video capture.







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