Going virtual: Tips on How to Organize Scientific Events in Nursing Science


webinar sigma


The progressive escalation of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, forced a sudden change in the way of organizing and managing scientific events.

It was in this context that the 5th Biennial European Conference that took place in May 2020 had to adapt in a short time, changing from a face-to-face to a virtual modality.

The organization of virtual events is a challenge, implying the choice of good communication channels between the team and participants, development of platforms that allow hosting the information and works by authors, ensuring security and privacy during the course of the sessions, among other relevant aspects.

This Webinar is hosted by the Phi Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau's International - STTI, with the support of the Nursing School of Coimbra - ESEnfC and the Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing - UICISA:E.


The session will be held via Zoom (link available soon)

 Registration required




03:00 PM - Tips on How to Organize Scientific Events in Nursing Science

  • The Sigma Theta Thau's 5th Biennial European Conference: Improvise. Adapt. Overcome (Rafael Bernardes)
  • Conference's committee: How to Ensure a Motivated and Organized Team (Lurdes Lomba)
  • Conference's Format and Infrastructure: Selecting a Suitable Platform, Website and Communication Channels (Rafael Bernardes)
  • Hubs and Networking: Tips and Tools to Improve Engagement Between Attendees, Speakers and Advertisers (Paulo Costa)
  • Data and User Privacy in a Digital Conference: Major Challenges (Paulo Costa)


Q&A with Attendees


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