Welcome to ESEnfC for the III Congress of Nursing Research in Latin American and Portuguese Speaking Countries organized by UICISA.
We are preparing a program of high scientific interest, with lectures given by foreign researchers and invited presentations of scientific papers by the participants who submit their abstracts. To this event it will only be accepted original and complete research papers. Presentations as “Literature Review” or “Critical Reflection” can be accepted, (in limited number), by the Scientific Committee according to their relevance, currency and significance for nursing, since the format of the abstract is complied.
Spaces are created for sharing experiences among the participants. The social program will also be a great opportunity for socialization and culture.
We invite all interested parties to submit a summary of communication. Abstracts must conform to the principles established by the Scientific Commission. Authors must follow the reserach critical analysis guidelines: Quantitative and Qualitative Aproaches.
You can submit submit two types of papers:
1 - Oral Presentation - 10 minutes presentation and 3 minutes for discussion;
2 - Poster - 5 minutes for presentation
Important Dates
Abstracts Submission:
Deadline to the abstracts submission: april 20th 2012.
Communication of the acceptation: From september 2012.
See instructions to abstracts submission here
Inscription and Payement:
1st phase: from june 1st 2011 to april 5th 2012.
2nd phase: from april 6th 2012 to may 2nd 2012 - Limit Date to participants that wish present communications.
3rd phase: from may 3rd 2012 to june 1st 2012 - Exceptional inscription phase only to attend.