Maternal Health and Obstetric Nursing Network officially launched


“For a society where every child is desired, every birth occurs in a safe environment and as a normal event, and every person experiences a healthy sexuality”. This is the vision of the ESMO (Enfermagem de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica, Maternal Health and Obstetric Nursing) Network, which is now officially launched. This Network is composed of health professionals from the Coimbra Hospital and University Center (CHUC), the Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC), and the Cluster of Healthcare Centers of Baixo Mondego (ACES).

The ESMO Network results from the technical, scientific and humanistic cooperation between nurses involved in clinical practice, management, education, training, and research. It aims at strengthening synergies within the scope of sexual, reproductive, and neonatal health. This is clearly stated in the cooperation protocol signed by the leaders of the three institutions: José Martins Nunes, CHUC President, Maria da Conceição Bento, President of ESEnfC, and António Manuel Morais, Executive Director of the Baixo Mondego ACES.

Among other purposes and objectives, the ESMO network seeks to simplify parenthood by making life less complicated for mothers and fathers, to implement consistent best practices in maternity hospitals and primary healthcare, and create closer ties with the community.



Another goal of the ESMO Network is “to invest in youth as a priority population group for intervention towards the promotion of sexual and reproductive health, and positive parenting”. The network will also focus on the challenge of addressing “urgent issues for the next ten years”, namely those “associated with the decreasing birth rate which has been jeopardizing generational replacement since the 1980s”.

The ESMO Network is coordinated by Amélia Cunha (Baixo Mondego ACES), Esperança Jarró (CHUC) and Maria Neto Leitão (ESEnfC) - in the photo.



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