National and International Relations Week

This week is the National and International Relations Week at the Nursing School of Coimbra. This initiative is aimed at disseminating the mobility programs available for the students, and teaching and non-teaching staff of the School. 

Until Friday (22nd May), all interested parties will be able to get to know the Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci and Vasco da Gama programs (national mobility). The information concerning the programs is available at the hall of Campus A of the ESEnfC (Avenida Bissaya Barreto).

The National and International Relations Office of the ESEnfC is once again underlining the importance of training in an international context and of the interchange of cultural experiences.

Within the scope of the National and International Relations Office, the afternoon of the 21st May is reserved to a Seminar of Experience Sharing (from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the auditorium of Campus A).

Students and teachers will share their experiences concerning what they did, learned and taught. 
In this seminar four projects will be presented: the Lifelong Learning Program (by teacher Teresa Calvário), the European Module (by teacher Jorge Apóstolo), the Virtual Hospital (by teacher Helena Brísio) and the Vasco da Gama Program (by teacher António Amaral).

In 2008/2009, 44 ESEnfC students received training in similar institutions from several European countries, within the scope of the Lifelong Learning Program – Erasmus (last year 36 students had participated in mobility programs).

The number of outgoing teachers is also growing in comparison with last year: from 26 to about 33.
Spain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Norway and Sweden are some of the countries that have established bilateral agreements with the ESEnfC within the scope of the Lifelong Learning Program. 

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