Advanced training courses of short duration

The Nursing School of Coimbra continues offering advanced training courses of short duration. These courses started being offered on 13th April and are aimed to update and develop the professional skills of working nurses. 

The ESEnfC will offer 36 courses, some of which will be delivered more than once, in a total of 56 training sessions until the end of June 2009. 

These free courses are funded by the Operational Program Health XXI. These training sessions, with workloads between 6 and 60 hours, may be attended by working nurses and, in some cases, by other health professionals.

The training programs are available in this website, in the same place where the enrolment takes place.    
Each person interested in these courses may apply to more than one, as long as the dates do not coincide.

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  • OCT
    Supporting Asian Nurses, Nurse Educators, and Nursing Students in Healthcare-Associated Infections Prevention and Control
  • JUN
    In-person (20 jun.) & Online (21 jun.)
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  • FEB
    ESEnfC > Campus C
    15th Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program (CSRTP)
  • JAN
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  • NOV
    Online and presential
    International Conference Learning and Implementing Social Innovation