The ESEnfC will participate in the world march for peace and nonviolence

The Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC) is one of the institutions in Coimbra which will participate in the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. This March will last three months, from October 2nd 2009 to January 2nd 2010.

More than 100 countries are already part of this march which intends to gather millions of citizens in a protest against the wars and the arms race as a means to solve conflicts.

The organization of this world march only asks people, organizations, companies or political parties to support the initiative by contributing with their creativity and making this route more attractive with activities that only imagination can conceive: forums, street activities, sport, cultural, artistic and educational events…  

The march will be in Coimbra on 9th November and the ESEnfC will participate with activities integrated in the White Ribbon Project, which aims to prevent and fight against violence in intimate relationships.
This march – with people walking on foot, groups of bikers or cyclers… - is an initiative of the movement “World without Wars”, an international organization inspired in Humanism which works for more than 15 years in the area of pacifism and nonviolence.

“We are aware that we don’t have the capacity to change things; we do have the capacity to put into motion a moral strength, as it has already happened with Gandhi or Luther King, which was capable of influencing people who decide on these issues, especially concerning armament”, as states Emilio Rubio, a Spanish teacher who is part of the “World without Wars” and coordinates, in this march, the rout Galiza-Portugal.   

Emilio Rubio is contacting the Regional Education Directorate-Centre to disseminate the march in the schools of this region, from kindergarten to secondary schools, and also in other institutions, such as the Town Hall or the University. 

One of the ideas for after the march, so that the initiative does not fade away, will be the organization of photography and video exhibitions in each of the cities participating in the march, together with other cultural events. Another idea is the creation of a specific location to discuss these issues, a kind of symbol for nonviolence.

Emilio Rubio will be in the ESEnfC on 6th May (at 10.30 a.m. in Campus B) in order to present the project of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. Several institutions of the city were invited to participate in this session, many of which are partners of the ESEnfC.


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