ESEnfC signed a protocol with the IPN Incubator

The Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC) signed a protocol with the IPN Incubator on April 24th. This Incubator is part of the Institute Pedro Nunes – Association for Innovation and Development in Science and Technology, and it aims to analyse the feasibility of ideas and projects (for example, the creation of technology-based companies in the health area) from the academic community of the ESEnfC. 

This document was signed by the president of the ESEnfC, professor Maria da Conceição Costa Bento, and the president of the Directing Board of the IPN (Institute Pedro Nunes), professor (PhD) Teresa Mendes.
The protocol was signed during the 2nd Entrepreneurism Forum organized by the ESEnfC, one of the initiatives that our School is developing to facilitate the integration of students into the labour market and also to encourage them to create their own job. 

Professor Maria da Conceição Bento emphasized the determination of the School to “train students who are different from other students due to their capacity to be competitive” and to “know how to transform knowledge into value”.

According to the president of the ESEnfC, “The health and well-being area has not been associated to entrepreneurism”. However, the president mentioned that ageing-associated problems “demand new solutions”, which may include the “creation of companies” providing “people the care that they need”. On its turn, professor Teresa Mendes highlighted that many of the companies that received the help of the IPN are now “operating at an international level”.

In the 2nd Entrepreneurism Forum some experiences of entrepreneurism were analysed– from the pioneer company in Portugal in the area of the isolation and cryopreservation of stem cells from cord blood (Crioestaminal, represented by Dr. Paulo Santos) to the School Pedro Teixeira (represented by professor António José Negrão). The role of these company incubators in promoting entrepreneurism was discussed and some funding incentives and mechanisms already available were presented.

For this last panel (“Incentives and Funding”) the following persons were invited: Dra. Cidália Pereira (director of the Employment Centre – Centre Region Department), Dr. Albino Freire (National Federation of Associations of the Business Angels), Dr. André Mendes (Inovcapital – Venture Capital Society) and Dr. Mauro Faria (representative of the Garval - Leiria Mutual Guarantee Society, S.A.).

The 2nd Entrepreneurism Forum was organized by the Entrepreneurism Department of the ESEnfC, coordinated by Professor Pedro Parreira.

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