ESEnfC in the 1st Health and Behaviour Congress of Portuguese-Speaking Countries

The professor of the Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC), Irma Brito, organised last week the symposium “Peer education and prevention of addictions”, included in the 1st Health and Behaviour Congress of Portuguese-Speaking Countries which took place in the University of Minho on April 16-18.

In this symposium, the following communications were presented: “Peer Education, their principles and applications”, “Before You Get Burned: street intervention in Academic Festivities”, “Friends are Friends, Pressure is Pressure: school-based intervention” and “From learners to educators: learning in peer education”. These conferences were lectured by professor Irma Brito, nurse Filipa Homem, nursing student (4th year) Marta Gabriela Oliveira and nurse Márcia Santos, respectively.

It was another opportunity for the Workshop on Expressivity to present their projects and disseminate their intervention in a scientific meeting.  

According to Professor Irma Brito, “making a joint presentation of the results is a way of promoting the research work under development and, at the same time, demonstrating the social relevance of Nursing in the prevention of addictions”.

In this congress, the ESEnfC presented three more posters: “Experiences and self-esteem among women participating in a breast screening program” (professor Armando Silva); “Eating habits: study with nursing students” (professor Regina Amado); “Other characteristics of nursing students: use of free time” (professor Helena Freitas) and a free communication “Addictions: comparative study with nursing students” (professor Irma Brito.

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