Professor Joana Fabião has completed her doctoral studies

Professor Joana Fabião has completed her doctoral studies

The professor of the Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC), Joana Fabião, presented last February 26th her doctoral thesis in Nursing Sciences at the Biomedical Sciences Institute Abel Salazar (ICBAS) of the University of Oporto. The thesis “Teenage Mothers: Life Paths” was unanimously approved. 

The following professors were members of the jury: Isabel Margarida Mendes (ESEnfC), Isabel Dias (University of Oporto), Arminda Costa (ICBAS), Manuela Martins (Nursing School of Oporto) and Constança Paul (ICBAS), president of the jury.

The research of PhD Professor Joana Fabião was divided into four studies whose main theme is the maternity of teenage mothers.

In a first phase, the teacher analysed the experiences of a group of teenage mothers in order to understand the most important social actors for them, either in the prevention of “early” maternity, or in the support provided as mothers. For these young women, the first group in the social hierarchy is the family, followed by the school (teachers and peers) and health professionals. 

In another phase, Joana Fabião monitored three young women from the district of Coimbra – 15, 17 and 19 years old (each one with a different life story) – and respective families, from pregnancy, delivery and until the baby was one year old.

Despite different life contexts and family relationships, for these young women having a child was a very positive event. They were happy for giving and receiving affection and for acquiring a new social status.

In other two research moments, Professor Joana Fabião analysed the role of the teachers of pregnant teenagers or mothers and the health professionals who provide them assistance.

As to the conclusions of this study, Professor Joana Fabião points out that the most important than working with these young women is “working upstream”, with the families who contemplate in their life project the existence of children and with the schools (teacher training).

The teachers (basic and secondary education) analysed by the researcher of the ESEnfC demonstrated some difficulties approaching this topic with the remaining students in the class and communicating with the parents of these pregnant teenagers. They also felt the need to invest in training in order to implement the sexual education programme.

According to Professor Joana Fabião, often “teachers resign and parents leave themselves out” of sexuality issues. This may result in more diseases and more teenage pregnancies.

For this reason, Professor Joana Fabião argues that there should be a stronger dedication at the level of the prevention of these situations and the elaboration of health intervention programmes which involve working in a network with young people, teachers and families.

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