Teachers from Cape Verde received training at the ESEnfC

The coordinator of the Nursing Degree Course at the University of Cape Verde, nurse Elga Carvalho and five more nurses – four from Cape Verde and a Cape Verdean descent, currently working in Portugal – completed today a workshop on Didactics of Nursing Fundamentals, which brought them for a week to the Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC).

These professionals also acquired more knowledge and competences on the Bologna Process, which aims at the standardization and comparability of the higher education degrees and diplomas within the higher education European area, on evaluation methods, pedagogical aspects and aspects of contact with students.

This work week, in which the new assistants admitted by the ESEnfC will also participate, aims to provide competences to the Cape Verdean group to be able to lecture the new Nursing Degree in the also new African University.

The Nursing Degree at the University of Cape Verde began in October, 2008, with the collaboration of teachers from the ESEnfC who have gone to Mindelo and to the city of Praia to lecture the first students of the Nursing degree. For nurses already performing their functions they will lecture the complementary course of training aimed at obtaining the Licentiate degree.

This project is coordinated by Professor Aida Mendes and it involves 25 teachers in this academic year only. Together with nurse Elga Carvalho, the following nurses also received training: Alice Sena Martins, Aniceto Santos, Delfina Santos Lopes, Marlinda Rocha and Sara Baptista. Alice Sena Martins is the Director of the Nursing School Manuel Olímpio, which will stop functioning since the course now grants the Licentiate degree. Aniceto Santos is a superintendent nurse at the Regional Hospital Santiago Norte. Delfina Santos Lopes Works at the Clinical Department of the Airport in Sal. Marlinda Rocha works at the Health Department of S. Vicente (Mindelo). Sara Baptista, with a Master’s in Health Policies and Administration, is the only one currently working in Portugal, at the Hospital D. Estefânia.

At the ESEnfC, the workshop on Didactics of Nursing Fundamentals was coordinated by Professor Paulo Queirós.

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