1st Transnational Meeting of the MPIPrevEdu project - Empowering Sub-Saharan African HEIs on peripartum maternal infection control practices



The Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC) will host the first transnational meeting of the MPIPrevEdu project - Empowering Sub-Saharan African HEIs to educate nursing students on sustainable and innovative peripartum maternal infection control practices from March 3rd to 7th.

Led by ESEnfC, the project, which is funded by the European Union, involves a consortium of five other higher education institutions: from Spain (Universidad de Valladolid), Angola (Instituto Superior Politécnico do Cuanza Sul and Instituto Superior Politécnico Privado da Catepa) and Mozambique (Universidade Lúrio and Universidade Católica de Moçambique).

The MPIPrevEdu project aims to train nursing educators and students from Higher Education Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa to facilitate the development of teaching/learning skills in peripartum maternal infection prevention and control practices, increasing their safety and effectiveness.

Work week program available here.

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