Citizen engagement in nursing research and education: how, when and who

Over the past few decades, the concepts of “patient engagement” and “patient-centeredness” have risen to prominence across nursing literature (Pelletier & Stichler, 2013). There is increasing recognition that involving patients as partners or leads in nursing professional education and research translates into gains at a systems and individual level (Towle et al., 2010). Although it is possible to identify a growing body of literature that seeks to address pragmatic, theoretical, and ethical questions about practices of patient engagement in nursing professional education and research (Harrington et al., 2020), there is a wide path to be taken by the Higher Education Institutions and R&D/I&D centres in their formalization and implementation.

Thus, the Phi Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International invites all nursing educators, researchers, and practitioners to join the third edition of the Phi Xi Talks, titled “Patient engagement in Nursing research and education: How, when and who”, to discuss the strengths, challenges, and impact of partnering with patients to conceptualize, design, conduct, and disseminate research findings, as well as the extent to which patients are involved in nursing education. This webinar is hosted by the Phi Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau's International - STTI, with the support of the Nursing School of Coimbra - ESEnfC and the Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing - UICISA:E.


The session will be held via Zoom (link available soon)

 Registration required

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