3rd International Congress on Rehabilitation Nursing



Pulmonary rehabilitation is an evidence-based intervention which has been considered a key area in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases.

In order to meet the needs of people at risk for or with respiratory changes, rehabilitation nurses acquire a set of theoretical and practical knowledge during their training that enable them to make evidence-based decisions. In this way, rehabilitation nurses help people and their families throughout the various transition processes.

This scientific event will aim at presenting innovative experiences and results of prescribed interventions, understanding what facilitates and hinders the intervention, and enabling the discussion with a view to improving the effectiveness of nursing care delivery, particularly rehabilitation care.

It is our goal that the 3rd International Congress on Rehabilitation Nursing “The Person’s Function and Autonomy – Rehabilitating in Respiratory Transition Processes: Ventilation/Perfusion/Diffusion” benefits people with respiratory changes by promoting knowledge sharing and showing the impact that rehabilitation nurses’ work can have on their physical, behavioral, psychological, and family processes.

- The courses will take place on 21 March, 2018. More details in the menu "Program".

- Workshops will take place on 21-22 March, 2018. More details in the menu "Program".

- Courses and workshops require a minimum of 6 participants (minimum of 6 and maximum of 15 participants).


Registration and informations:

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