3rd International Conference Caring with Humanitude and 2nd Meeting Humanitude



Within the scope of the Scientific-Pedagogical Unit of Fundamental Nursing and the structuring project registered in UICISA: E “Implementation of the Humanitude Care Methodology”, two events for scientific dissemination will be held:
- 2nd Meeting Humanitude: How to transform the institutions into “Living Places”
- 3rd International Conference Caring with Humanitude

These scientific events aims to gather different institutions in the social, health, and education areas that have contributed to the implementation of the Humanitude Care Methodology in several countries (France, Japan, and Portugal).

The 2nd Meeting Humanitude: How to transform the institutions into “Living Places” aims to gather professionals from institutions in Portugal (in the health, social, and education areas) and in France (area of sociocultural animation) where the Humanitude Care Methdology is being implemented for a joint discussion on how to transform the institutions into living places where patients’ wishes are respected. At this meeting, we will have an opportunity to reflect on the progress made, the difficulties in the implementation process, the strategies for facilitating its implementation, and the gains for the institutions, the patients, the families, the communities, and the professionals. In this meeting, we will have the honor to welcome Philippe Crône, Humanitude trainer and founder of the Institut Gineste-Marescotti (IGM) Animation in France, who will help us to reflect on how to design a tailored activities project that can promote a feeling of usefulness and the respect for each person’s wishes and desires.

The 3rd International Conference Caring with Humanitude will provide a forum for sharing experiences and insights. Here, the authors of this Care Methodology, Yves Gineste and Rosette Marescotti, Miwako Honda, Director of the Geriatric Research Division in Tokyo, Japan, and those responsible for its implementation in the healthcare units will share their knowledge, experiences, and findings to promote a joint discussion on the need for changing the care culture in health institutions. We also expect to promote a fruitful debate about the scientific underpinnings for the methodology and the scientific evidence obtained; strengthen networks of contacts and exchange between national and international professionals, as well as with the social, health, and education institutions.
In this 3rd International Conference Caring with Humanitude, the book Higiene e conforto: da tarefa a um cuidado especializado (“Hygiene and comfort: from the task to a specialized care”) will be released.

We are sure that these scientific events will be truly enriching and, above all, useful for caregivers and particularly for patients and their families.
We are expecting you!

Registration and informations:


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