3rd International Symposium of ANHE and 1st Symposium on the History of Nursing of the ESEnfC



The Portuguese Association for the History of Nursing (ANHE) in collaboration with the Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC) will hold the 3rd International Symposium of ANHE and the 1st Symposium on the History of Nursing of the ESEnfC under the theme “IBERO-AMERICAN NURSING IN THE 19TH CENTURY (1801-1900)”. This scientific event will take place on 9-10 November 2017 at the António Arnaut Auditorium in Campus B of the Nursing School of Coimbra in São Martinho do Bispo.


The Symposium will gather researchers who have been developing their research on the History of Ibero-American Nursing in the 19th century with the purpose of creating an opportunity for dialogue about this topic. Preference will be given to recent and/or innovative studies and theoretical and methodological reflections about this topic as well as attempts of reflection and dialogue about the divergences and/or convergences of research topics, objects, and problems. Simultaneously, this symposium aims to create a space for reflection about the possibilities for research on different ages and topics based on the study of sources and historiographic dialogues.


Registration and informations:

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