2nd International Congress on Quality Challenges in Education Institutions


Quality in Higher and Non-Higher Education Institutions has been increasingly perceived and discussed as a complex, multifaceted organizational dimension. Theoretical-conceptual approaches and empirical research studies, as well as the ensuing debates, reflect this dimension and prioritize a multitude of quality-related topics characterized by institutional, scientific, technical, methodological, ethical, and political aspects that are not always consensual or convergent. Therefore, quality assurance systems are open systems, continuously improving and evolving, and subject to new standards, both at the national and international levels, in order to account for all the contemporary complexities and specificities of different education and training institutions.
The Second International Congress will represent a new opportunity to – within a broad and diversified, scientific and professional community from the health, education and other areas – review experiences, share projects, and provide social and academic visibility to research activities, whether concluded or ongoing, in the field of quality.

- To give continuity to the development of theoretical-conceptual and methodological perspectives within the scope of assessment and quality in education institutions;
- To disseminate innovative experiences related to the improvement of professional and institutional practices:
- To present results of research projects on the potential and limitations of internal quality assessment systems;
- To analyze new standards for quality assessment and assurance in education or training institutions;
- To create networking and exchange opportunities among national and international professionals working in the field of quality assessment and assurance.

Target audience
Higher and Non-Higher Education teachers, directors, managers, researchers, policy-makers, professionals working in the field of quality assessment and assurance, and undergraduate and postgraduate students.
We wish all participants a great experience at this congress!

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