International Congress “Quality Challenges in Education Institutions”, in celebration of the 135 years of the Nursing School of Coimbra


In celebration of the 135 years of the Nursing School of Coimbra, the international congress “Quality Challenges in Education Institutions” will be held on October 20-21, 2016. Considering the relevance and topicality of this topic, we underline the key role of institutional assessment systems sustained in a culture of self-regulation, autonomy, accountability, and responsibility. The close connection and cooperation between higher and non-higher education institutions will strengthen networking, which will, in turn, facilitate the sharing of (national and international) knowledge and experiences to enhance these quality assessment systems.

On 19 October, the [Pre-Congress] Meeting “Social Responsibility in Education Institutions" will be organized by the Sectoral Committee for Education and Training (CS11) - Portuguese Institute for Quality in partnership with the ESEnfC.

Registration and information:

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