Become a member

The Chapter receives new members once or twice a year. The nomination of a new member is proposed by an effective member or the Honour Nomination Committee and is approved by General Assembly. Nurses who comply with the following criteria may be candidates to new members: “A Member of the Ordem dos Enfermeiros (Portuguese Nurses Association), with at least one graduation degree or similar, who has shown excellence in performance in any area of the nursing field – research, education, management and/or clinical nursing –, may be eligible for member” (article 4(1)(c) of the statutes) or a graduation student who “ought not to have obtained a classification lower than 35% of the best classifications of his/her degree” and who has already completed at least half of the degree (article 4(1)(a)), and a post-graduate student who “shows excellence in performance” and has already completed at least a quarter of the degree (article 4(1)(b)).