Technical-Scientific Council


Regulation of the Technical-Scientific Council (link)

1 - The Technical-Scientific Council shall have a maximum of 25 members:

   a) Twenty-three elected members, from among:

        i) Career faculty;

        ii) Equivalents to full-time teachers with an employment contract with the School for more than 10 years in this category;

        iii) Full-time teachers with a doctoral degree, with an employment contract of no less than one year, regardless of the nature of their relationship with the institution;

        iv) Teachers with the title of specialist not covered by the previous paragraphs, in a full-time position with an employment contract with the institution for more than two years.

   b) Two representatives of the research unit, elected, in accordance with the research unit’s regulations, from among the doctoral researchers who are members of the research unit’s Scientific Council and who are also career teachers at the ESEnfC.

2 - At the proposal of the President of the Technical-Scientific Council, other teachers whose duties at the ESEnfC justify it may be invited to participate in meetings, without the right to vote, considering the issues to be debated, as well as, if justified, teachers or researchers from other institutions or personalities of recognized competence within the scope of the school’s mission.   

The Technical-Scientific Council (2024-2029 term) consists of the following members:

Adriana Raquel Neves Coelho

Amélia Filomena de Oliveira Mendes Castilho

Amorim Gabriel Santos Rosa

Ana Maria Pacheco Mendes Perdigão Costa Gonçalves

Ana Paula Forte Camarneiro

António Manuel Martins Lopes Fernandes

Cândida Rosalinda Exposto da Costa Loureiro

Catarina Alexandra Rodrigues Faria Lobão

Cristina Maria Figueira Veríssimo

Isabel de Jesus Oliveira - Secretary

Isabel Margarida Marques Monteiro Dias Mendes - Vice-President

João Manuel Garcia do Nascimento Graveto

Manuel Carlos Rodrigues Fernandes Chaves

Márcia Noélia Pestana dos Santos

Margarida Alexandra Nunes Carramanho Gomes Martins Moreira da Silva

Maria do Céu Mestre Carrageta

Maria Isabel Domingues Fernandes

Marília Maria Andrade Marques da Conceição e Neves

Paulo Joaquim Pina Queirós

Pedro Miguel dos Santos Dinis Parreira

Pedro Miguel Lopes de Sousa

Rogério Manuel Clemente Rodrigues

Rosa Maria dos Santos Moreira

Rui Filipe Lopes Gonçalves – President

Vítor Sérgio de Oliveira Parola



ESEnfC | Polo B - Rua 5 de Outubro/S. Martinho do Bispo, 3045-043 Coimbra

Phone: 351 239 802 850 - 1134/1135