QAB - Composition

Composition (Art 61 - ESEnfC Statutes, 2008)

1 – The Board is composed of four teachers, one non-teaching staff member, two students and one assessment expert who are appointed by the General Board following a proposal from the President of the School, after consultation of the Technical-Scientific Board, the Pedagogical Board and the Student Association.
2 – The Board’s coordinator is appointed from among the teachers following a proposal from the President of the School, and he/she cannot preside over governmental bodies, coordinate teaching and scientific-pedagogical units or belong to any other of the management bodies of the ESEnfC.
3 – The Board has a four-year mandate, with the exception of the students’ mandate which is two years.
4 – The Board may also receive support from other assessment and/or quality experts and will receive the necessary technical/secretarial support to perform its tasks.

Teaching staff representatives:


- Coordinating Professor Verónica Rita Dias Coutinho (Board Coordinator)

- Adjunct Professor Ana Filipa dos Reis Marques Cardoso

- Coordinating Professor Luís Manuel de Jesus Loureiro

- Coordinating Professor Rosa Cristina Correia Lopes

Non-teaching staff representatitves:


- Senior Technician Ana Margarida dos Santos Fernandes


- Senior Technician Margarida Maria de Sousa Pereira

Student Representatives:

- Maria Beatriz Saraiva Veiga (third-year student - Bachelor's Degree in Nursing)

- Sofia Santos Rosa (third-year student - Bachelor's Degree in Nursing)

Evaluation expert:

- Assistant Professor with Aggregation at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra - Patrícia Helena Ferreira Lopes de Moura e Sá