Quality and Assessment Council

Quality and Assessment Council

The Quality and Assessment Council is a body of the Nursing School of Coimbra (Art. 20 (2)(c) – ESEnfC Statutes, 2008).


To promote and control the quality and assessment of the ESEnfC and its courses as a strategic vector in the promotion of continuous improvement of the processes and services based on dialogue, participation, and intersubjective validation, as well as on the methodological and ethical principles of research in the pursuit of rigor, transparency and self-improvement to accomplish the mission, vision and values of the ESEnfC, focusing on the satisfaction of the stakeholders.


The Quality and Assessment Council is guided by national and international guidelines. It is a reference in the quality assurance and continuous improvement processes of higher education institutions in the nursing field.

Collection and use of information

About the level of satisfaction of the educative community (teachers, staff, students, alumni, tutors of clinical practice and head nurses of the services/units, employers,…)
Application of more than 25 000 questionnaires/year and respective data analysis
Conduction of internal audits
Promotion and dissemination of reports (self-assessment, year, programme, employability, integration,…)
Internal and external presentations and their preparation (oral presentations, articles…)

Competencies (Art. 62 - ESEnfC Statutes, 2008)

1 - The Quality and Assessment Council shall promote and control the quality and evaluation of the ESEnfC and its courses.
2 - In terms of quality, the Council shall:

    a) Promote all the initiatives and measures aimed at the systematic adoption of a quality policy and its monitoring in all sectors and areas of activity at the ESEnfC, creating an institutional culture and practices based on these principles and ensuring its effective and continuous implementation;

   b) Propose the standardization of procedures, whenever justified, with a view to quality and draw up, after collecting the relevant data from the competent bodies, manuals of procedures to be used at all levels, after validation by the bodies with legal competence in the matter.

3 – In terms of evaluation, the Council is entrusted with all the tasks that are promoted internally in this area and is responsible for carrying out internal audits of the functional structures of the ESEnfC.
4 – The Council shall produce annual reports on its activities, including self-evaluation reports on the ESEnfC and its courses.
5 – The Council shall make the institution’s self-evaluation and external evaluation reports, as well as those of its study cycles, available on the school's website.
6 – The Council shall be governed by its own internal regulations.