International Mobility Programmes

The Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC) recognises that internationalisation is a key factor in promoting the quality of nursing education. International mobility is one of the most successful mechanisms for preparing students to work and live in a globalised world, as well as for acquiring or consolidating transversal skills, namely foreign language proficiency, independence, initiative, flexibility, intercultural understanding and sensitivity and international awareness.
The ESEnfC offers students, teachers and technical staff international mobility programmes so that they can benefit from unique opportunities and to enhance the internationalisation of the School, offering an international and multicultural dimension, especially to students who choose the ESEnfC as their host institution.

The ESEnfC is part of the transition to professional life for students who invest in an international mobility experience through outgoing or incoming mobility.

Erasmus code: P COIMBRA24

OID: E10098986


 Erasmus+ Programme

What is the Erasmus+ Programme?

The ERASMUS+ Programme is a Community action programme in the field of lifelong learning that offers students the chance to carry out a period of study/internship in another European university/company, with academic recognition (as part of the study programme at the university of origin).

Mobility under the ERASMUS+ Programme can take place within the following frameworks:

Erasmus Study Period: a period of study at another European partner university;
Erasmus Internship: carrying out an internship in a business environment.


What are the advantages of the Erasmus programme?

It is undoubtedly a unique opportunity! The Erasmus student will benefit from a very rewarding academic, professional and personal experience, which will translate into:

Personal and intellectual growth;
Knowledge of new cultures, languages, new working methods and new technologies;
Greater future employability, not only in foreign markets, but also nationally;
A greater capacity for adaptation, flexibility, autonomy, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit;
A broadening of horizons, thus contributing to the construction of a Europe increasingly united in cultural, linguistic and educational diversity.

Outgoing Mobility

Sending students, teachers and technical staff

Incoming Mobility

Receiving students, teachers and technical staff


Useful links

Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027
Erasmus Charter 2021-2027
Decision 2006/1720/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 November 2006

Further information

National and International Relations Office:


The Nursing School of Coimbra has a large number of Cooperation Protocols and Bilateral Agreements signed with universities in various countries inside and outside the European Union, which allow students to study at one of these universities and vice versa.

 Erasmus programme