School Health

The School Health Services aim to provide health care to all the ESEnfC community, including teachers and staff, with permanent or temporary contracts, and students of all degrees and courses provided by the School.

The Health School Service is the health system model for the promotion of student health and should be apt to respond to the needs of the educational community within the scope of health promotion, disease prevention, resolution and referral of identified health problems, aiming at improving health and well-being. The service invests in a trusted relationship based on loyalty, competence, and responsibility and also values the delivery of the best and most adequate health, well-being, and safety conditions.

Thus, the School Health Service aims to conduct the monitoring of the health of the educational community and be a space available for every student or ESEnfC employee in case of any doubt or question relating to their physical, psychological, and social health.



Professor Isabel Gil


Andreia Cristina

Filipe Sousa


To Schedule a nursing consultation, send an email to, stating your name, student number, and reason for a consultation. Consultations in person, by telephone or email are:


- 10.03 from 09:15 to 12:30, Unit B - Nurse Filipe Sousa

- 10.03 from 09:15 to 12:30, Unit C - Nurse Andreia Cristina

- 11.03 from 09:15 to 12:30, Unit C - Nurse Andreia Cristina and from 14:30 to 17:00, Unit B - Nurse Andreia Cristina

- 12.03 from 09:15 to 12:30 and from 14:30 to 15:50, Unit C - Nurse Andreia Cristina

- 13.03 from 09:15 to 12:30, Unit C - Nurse Filipe Sousa

- 14.03 from 09:15 to 12:30, Unit B - Nurse Andreia Cristina

- 17.03 from 09:15 to 12:30 pole C - Nurse Filipe Sousa


Click here to schedule an appointment -


Click here to schedule an appointment -



Dr Ângela Santos Neves

Dr Marta Cardoso

Dr Rita


Medical appointments

To schedule a medical consultation, send an email to, stating your name, student number, and reason for a consultation.


Types of consultations:

- Health status monitoring consultations throughout the 4 years

- Nursing and medical consultations: sexual and reproductive health, chronic disease monitoring, nutrition education, addictions, among other health problems

- Open consultation for acute situations

- School accident consultation

- Support for ERASMUS, International and Vasco da Gama Program students

- Crisis support



Click here to schedule an appointment -


When the school health service is closed or on nights, weekends and holidays, you can schedule a consultation by sending an email to If you need more urgent help, please call 808 24 24 24 - Linha SAÚDE24. In case of emergency, please call 112 - INEM.



• The times indicated may change due to force majeure.

• The nursing consultation will begin 30 minutes after the initial schedule.

• Acute care consultations are available. Please contact the nurse during the working hours.




Preferred contact:

Direct contact: 968 708 013 (during working hours) – available on Whatsapp



Appointments for clinical psychology and psychopedagogical support are scheduled after a face-to-face nursing assessment.

Request an appointment by sending an e-mail to, quoting your student number, full name and contact details.

After a face-to-face nursing assessment, if the clinical situation warrants it, you will be referred for a psychology appointment, which will be scheduled by Dr. Marília Castro (Psychologist) according to her availability.