Registration is the act by which students enter into the School. It takes place simultaneously with the first enrollment (1st and 2nd semesters). Students must register at the academic services.
Enrollment is the act by which students become illegible to, after the valid registration in the School, attend the curricular units which they must attend. The deadline for enrollment is defined in the calendar for each academic year.
On its own, registration does not allow for school attendance; students must enroll in the curricular units of the corresponding degree every year.
Registration and enrollment require the payment of legally defined tuition fees (Tuition Fees Regulation).
Notice for students attending the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing – academic year 2021/2022 (Notice).
REGISTRATION/ENROLMENT - admission to the 1st year through the National Access Competition
Notice of registration/enrolment in the academic year 2021/2022 (Notice)
Model of Pre-Requisite A (Medical Proof) - mandatory for the registration (Document)
Link to access the registration platform (please use Firefox):
DGES Calendar (Order no. 7668-A/2021, of 4 August)
2nd Phase: Registration and enrolment between 14-18 October 2021 (registration in the link provided above, with the exception of the last day of registration (18 October) when students must register in-person at the Nursing School of Coimbra, Campus B (S. Martinho do Bispo).