- Regulation of special competitions for admission into higher education (Decree-Law no. 393-B/99, of 02 October)
- Regulation of special competitions for admission into higher education (Decree-Law no. 113/2014, of 16 July)
- Republishing of Decree-Law no. 113/2014, of 16 July (Decree-Law no. 11/2020, of 2 April)
- Regulation of the Regimes of Re-admission, Change of Pair Institution/Course, and Special Competitions of the ESEnfC (pdf)
- Regulation of Crediting Previous Training for Academic Degree or Diploma at the ESEnfC - version 2.1 (Regulation no. 278/2019, of 27 March)
The competition for over 23-year olds is a special higher education admission competitions for holders of particularly adequate tests for assessing the capacity of over 23-year olds to attend higher education.
- Regulation of tests especially suitable for assessing the ability to attend higher education for those over 23 years olds (Decree-Law no. 64/2006, of 21 March 2006)
- Regulation of the especially adequate exams intended to assess the capacity to attend the Bacherlor of Science in Nursing of the Nursing School of Coimbra, Portugal, for applicants over 23 years of age (Regulation no. 293/2011)
- Capacity evaluation exam application form for 23-year-olds
- Group A Prerequisite (Medical Statement)
- Competition Application Form (after passing the exams)
Information for the 2022/2023 academic year
- Deadline for applying to the exams: 07 February to 25 March 2022 (pdf)
- Vacancies to be allocated to the Regime of Special Competitions for the Over 23-Year-Olds: 20 vacancies
- Exam calendar (pdf)
- General guidelines for the tests (knowledge; curriculum; interview) (pdf)
- General guidelines for the written tests (pdf)
- Evaluation grid for the written test (pdf)
- Curriculum Evaluation Grid (pdf)
- Evaluation Grid for Performance in the Interview (pdf)
List of Candidates Admitted to the Tests (pdf)
- Regulation of Re-admission Systems, Change of Pair Institution/Course and Special Competitions of the ESEnfC (pdf)
- Application Form
- Group A prerequisite (Medical Statement)
information regarding the 2022/2023 academic year
- Calendar of special competitions for admission into higher education (pdf)
- Vacancies to be allocated to the Regime of Special Competitions for Holders of other Higher Education Courses: 10 vacancies
Information available [here]
Study | Candidates | Special Access Conditions