Student Association


«The Student Association of the Nursing School of Coimbra was founded in 2006, when the banks of the Mondego came together to form what is the “largest, best, and oldest Nursing School in the country, with a past full of history in representing nursing students.

Today, the Student Association is proudly a student community with more than 2,000 students. We are founded on humanism, citizenship, freedom, cooperation, and ethics, fundamental values in our journey as nursing students and future nurses.

We honor the voice of the students, promote associativism in the school, and encourage the student community to take an active and critical stance. We are committed to fulfilling and defending students’ rights, supporting them in all the academic stages that are so characteristic of Coimbra, and fostering moments to take soft and hard skills to the next level. Side by side, we intend to respond to students’ needs, with a view to raising nursing education to a level of excellence, that is, fair, inclusive, organized, and capable of training internationally renowned nurses.

Academic greetings”.

(Text of the Student Association of the Nursing School of Coimbra)




