“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success”
Henry Ford
Volunteering in higher education is an opportunity for students to develop their soft skills and a citizenship response of the academic community. As a Higher Education Institution that is responsible for high-level training in health and producing/disseminating knowledge, the School creates opportunities for its academic community to stay in touch with society and implemente the knowledge produced into the daily lives of the populations, improving health and social well-being.
To face some of the challenges posed to a higher education institution, the School aims to strengthen the connection with the economic, social, and cultural life of the community where it is located, promote entrepreneurship and the participation of teachers and students in interventions for increasing the qualifications of the Portuguese society, and encourage students' social responsibility through the promotion of volunteering and social and cultural intervention (ESEnfC, 2017).
The Volunteering Support Office (GAV) was created on 17 January 2022 to organize and promote good practices of volunteering in higher education. This office is part of the School’s Outreach Unit and develops its activities within the scope of the Strategic Axis for the Provision of Services to the Community of the ESEnfC Strategic Plan for 2020-2024. The main objective of this axis is to fulfill the School’s social responsibility of transferring the knowledge produced to society, allowing for its integration into daily life and the improvement of social well-being.
Despacho 05-Presidente - Criação do Gabinete de Apoio ao Voluntariado.pdf 54 KB
Lei de Bases do enquadramento juridico do voluntariado.pdf 103 KB
Decreto Lei 389 99 de 30 de setembro.pdf 84 KB
Medida de Apoio ao Voluntariado - Portaria n 389 de 2018.pdf 278 KB
Regulamento do Gabinete de Apoio ao Voluntariado.pdf 274 KB
Despacho nº 67 - Atualização da Composição do Gabinete de Apoio ao Voluntariado.pdf 26 KB
Relatório de Atividades - 2023.pdf 1988 KB