The Choir Group

The Choir Group of the Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC) began its activity in December 2012, with staff members from the ESEnfC’s different sectors and units. Over approximately 10 years, the Choir has participated in several national and international cultural and social events.

The Choir’s activities were suspended in 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic but restarted in October 2021, integrated into the cultural, sports, health, and well-being activities foreseen in the ESEnfC Strategic Plan 2020-2024 (P’P20 - Choir Group Activity).

The Choir is composed of ESEnfC’s teaching and non-teaching staff under the direction of maestro Joana Ladeiro. 


“Sing for Your Health”

“…the people who participated in the ‘Sing for Your Health’ felt happier, but also showed cognitive gains (particularly in verbal memory), improved their physical and mental health, and there is even evidence of a protective effect on the levels of systemic inflammation” (Luísa Lima, CIS, ISCTE & Iolanda Galinha, CIP, UAL, 2021) -