Project Overview
PARENT - Promotion, Awareness Raising and Engagement of men in Nurture Transformations - brings a gendersynchronised approach (Program P) aiming to tackle the challenges of prevention and eradication of violence against women and children. By engaging men in co-responsible parenting and caregiving and promoting an equal share of unpaid care work in 4 EU countries (PT-AU-IT-LT), PARENT aims to contribute to the prevention of domestic and intra-family GBV and violence against children. It seeks to promote change in social attitudes and behaviour regarding gender roles in caregiving.
The main objectives are: to address gaps in EU engaging fathers in caregiving; to increase awareness of GBV and the importance of engaging men in the strategies to combat violence against women and children; to increase genderequity in caregiving and promote engaged fatherhood.
Expected results are increased awareness and activities on the importance of engaging men in active fatherhood and gender-equitable caregiving to promote the eradication of violence against women and children Increased engagement of men as fathers, more gender-equitable attitudes and behaviours in caregiving and a decrease in violence against women and children.
810458/PARENT Project