UICISA: E development strategic axis for the Edition and Dissemination of scientific knowledge
Objective: Increase the visibility of the productivity and international contribution of the research team
Journal of Nursing Referência
Visit the webpage http://rr.esenfc.pt/rr/
Journal of Nursing Referência indexed 
Monographic Series Health Sciences Education and research
Competencies in Gerontogeriatric Nursing: a Requirement for Care Quality - Monograph nº 19
Teen dating violence from the perspective of gender and generation: A multicenter study - Monograph nº 18
Hygiene and comfort: from task to humanitude caring - Monograph nº 17
A psycodynamic approach of psychologie and other approaches - Monograph nº 16
Rehabilitation nursing – Results of research - Monograph nº 15
Rehabilitation nursing - research paths - Monograph nº 14
Elderly health care nursing - Monograph nº 13
Students' health in higher nursing education - context study at the nursing school of Coimbra - Monograph nº 12
Ageing, health and citizenship - Monograph nº 11
Simulation in nursing education - Monograph nº 10
Mais Contigo - mental health promotion and prevention of suicidal behaviours within the educational community - Monograph nº 9
Mental Health Literacy - empowering people and communities to act - Monograph nº 8
Psychology in health-related contexts: from understanding to intervention - Monograph nº 7
Quality assurance progression at the Nursing School of Coimbra - Monograph nº 6
Preventing dating violence: (IM)PERFECT DATING - Do diferently to make a difference - Monograph nº 5
Processo de mudança em organizações de saúde - Monograph nº 4
Gestão em organizações de saúde - Monograph nº 3
PEER IV Escola de Verão em Educação pelos Pares & Investigação Acção Participativa em Saúde - Monograph nº 2
Enfermagem: de Nightingale aos dias de hoje 100 anos - Monograph nº 1
Other Monographs
+5 Anos, +100 Dissertações - 2021
Apontamentos de pedagogia educere - 2021
Prevenção de comportamentos suicidários: contributos da investigação - 2018
Síntese da evidência no contexto da translação da ciência - 2017
Liderança e seus efeitos - 2017
Gestão de pessoas nas organizações - 2017
BURNOUT, TRAUMAS NO TRABALHO E ASSÉDIO MORAL: estudos empíricos e reflexões conceptuais - 2017
5 Anos, 100 Dissertações - 2016
Scientific Dissemination Booklets
A Transição para a Reforma em Casais Portugueses
Construção de um programa promotor do envelhecimento ativo: O protótipo do Programa REATIVA
REATIVA: programa promotor de um envelhecimento ativo
Supplements to the Journal of Nursing Referência - BOOK OF ABSTRACTS
6th Congress on Nursing Research of Ibero-American and Portuguese-speaking Countries - nº 6/sV - 2021
3rd International Congress on Rehabilitation Nursing - nº 16/sIV - 2018
3rd International Symposium of ANHE and the 1st Symposium on the History of Nursing of the ESEnfC - nº 15/sIV - 2017
2nd International Congress on Rehabilitation Nursing - 2016
3rd International Congress on Medical-Surgical Nursing - 2015
1st International Congress on Family and Community Health Nursing - 2015
4th Congress on Nursing Research and 10the Conference of the Global Network of WHO - 2014
International Congress of Rehabilitation Nursing - 2014
1st International Congress on Mental Health Literacy - 2014
International Congres Gender(s) and Health: (In)Determinations and Aprpoximations - 2013
3rd Congress on Nursing Research of Ibero-American and Portuguese-speaking Countries - 2012
11th Iberoamerican Conference on Nursing Education of the ALADEFE - 2011
2nd Congress on Nursing Research of Ibero-American and Portuguese-speaking Countries - 2009