The ESEnfC will accept applications from Brazilian students who have taken the ENEM in 2015 or in the previous civil years (2015, 2014 or 2013) and who have a secondary education diploma.
Exams and grades required
- If the applicant has completed the secondary education in the Brazilian system and has taken the Exames Nacionais do Ensino Médio (ENEM), the following weighting is applied:
Writing: 30%
Mathematics and its Technologies – 35%
Natural Sciences and its Technologies – 35%
The grades for admission must be expressed on a 0-200 scale.
The minimum admission score is 100.
Please check if your ENEM grades reach the minimum requirements to apply.
Attention: (RED * 30 + MAT * 35 + C NAT * 35)/100
- Writing: RED
- Mathematics and its Technologies: MAT
- Natural Sciences and its Technologies: C NAT
Convert your grade into the Portuguese grading scale
Convert into a 0-200 scale (Portuguese grading scale):
Final Grade = Grade* 200/1000
If this Final Grade is equal to or higher than 100, you can apply to the ESEnfC.
Attention: This final grade means that you have the minimum requirements to apply to our School and not that you will be automatically selected.
RED: 600
MAT: 500
C NAT: 750
Grade: (600*30+500*35+750*35)/100
= 618
Formula of the Final Grade: 618*200/1000
= 124
Final Grade = 124 (grade is enough for application)